Let The Hedgehogs eat pumpkin!


It is almost Halloween and since it is on a Wednesday this year, many of us have already had our hauntingly fun parties over the weekend, many of us have pumpkins carved and shrivelling sat on the windowsill or by the back door and there are lots of posts telling us what we should do to dispose of them.

Lots of information is going around on the big wide world of the web, telling us to leave our pumpkins out for the hedgehogs, great we all love hedgehogs and they deserve a seasonal treat too!

THEN … people said not to because the hedgehogs would get ill, they would eat so much that it would give them stomach problems and explosive diarrhoea and lets face it, nobody wants to clean up hedgehog poop from all over the garden and no body wants to make the little hoggies ill.

BUT …  I have looked into it and despite rumours hedgehogs do enjoy a little pumpkin and they would have to eat an awful lot of pumpkin before it had negative effects on the digestive system. They would likely get bloated long before they get any other adverse effects. They are more likely to eat the little flies and bugs that will gather on the jack-o-lantern carcass, since this is their primary food source, than they are too gorge themselves on the pumpkin itself. 

So when you have finished with your pumpkins pop them at the bottom of your gardens and let the little hoggies get as full up as they like on the festive treat, I know I will eat enough chocolate on Halloween night to make my tummy ache, it’s inevitable!

Happy Halloween from me and my Webblings x


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